Taylor’s Corner: New Features in Cloverleaf

Cloverleaf’s latest updates include more than 80 new features that are designed to improve our Insurance Intelligence platform. Let’s walk through a few of these features in the Model, Discover, Present and Publish modules.


The new “Tabular Relationship Editor” takes away the complexity of managing many table relationships simultaneously. This feature provides a semantic view of the relationship model that will enhance users’ data model understanding, improve error identification and help with scalability.

This feature is especially useful in cases where users have or are building a large data model with many different joins between the table, as shown below.



In this instance, you may want to view the model in a cleaner tabular format to help manage your data. To access the Tabular Relationship Editor, click on the “Editor View” in the top ribbon and you be able to view all relationships between tables.



From the Editor View, you are able to see the relationships between the two tables (“Primary Table” and “Dimension Table”) followed by the specific column within those tables the relationship has been set up with and the join types.



Take the first row, we are able to see the two tables “Policy Measure” and “Policy Status” are joined by the “policy_status_dimension_identifier” column within each table. These columns have a one-to-many relationship (blue) with a “Inner Join” type (red).



Users can click on any one of the rows and open the Properties table manager. From there, you can modify the join types, operators and if the join needs to be bidirectional or many-to-many.




There are new options when using context calculations to allow users to have finer control and more granular functionality. The feature “Window Functions” is a simplified way to edit report calculation logic across multiple calculations for faster insights.

For example, below we have a claims report that shows me the loss paid by company over a period of time.



What I would also like to do is see the cumulative totals of losses for each year. To access the cumulative measure function, go to the “Loss Paid” measure in the “Values” drop zone and select “Cumulative Totals.”



The Cumulative Total Function has calculated the accumulation of losses, for all months, across each company, starting from top to bottom for each year.



To have finer control of the data, it would be more helpful to have the cumulative totals by year broken out by each company. This is where we can use “Window Functions” to adjust the way the cumulative logic is applied within a specific window of our query data set.

Simply right-click on the cumulative totals measure in the drop zone and select “Edit Calculation Logic.” From there we can adjust how the calculation is done and applied.



Now that we have selected our measure, looking under “Compute Used,” this is what allows user to select how the calculation is applied. Whether it’s automatically determined based on the query structure, drop zones, or by specific chips which gives users complete control on how the calculation is applied. Since we are wanting the totals to accumulate over months, we will select “Specific Chip” and then “Evaluation Month Name.” Select apply.



Once applied, notice how the cumulative totals restarts in January for the Penquin Insurance Company as opposed to it being another accumulated value for December losses from the row before.




Printing publications from dashboards is an option that can be configured in present using the Present Actions function. The function also allows users to configure presentation actions to immediately launch and run a specified publication, with slicer integration between Present and Publish.

Below we have our Business Overview dashboard.



To set a trigger to print a publication, you can either create a button using Text or Shapes icon from the canvas menu or import an image (red). For this example, I have simply used the text feature and placed “Print” (blue) on the canvas.



Right click “Print” and click “Click Action.” This is how we will be able to configure the specified action when the user clicks on this button, which in this case is to print a publication.



Choose the action type “Publication Print.”



Now we will go to the location of the Publication and select. Then select the format of document and click apply.



We can now run the dashboard by clicking the Cloverleaf symbol.



We are now able to click the “Print” text icon and a PDF document of our publication will be produced.